If this is you …
Need to implement data governance across your cloud assets ? Talk to us about how we can ensure that the right people and services can access the right data in the right way at the right time.
Many customers have a data governance model that consists of strategy and policy.
But to actually realise the benefits of data governance, this needs model needs to be implemented via one or more tools on data holdings across the cloud (and/or on premise).
Then we can help
gwi.digital are experts in operationalizing cloud data governance – moving beyond a strategy, framework and operating model to give you a solution that actually works.
We can implement cloud data governance using AWS native tooling such as IAM, Control Tower, and DataZone.
Or we can pick from AWS ISV partner solutions such as Microsoft Purview, Databricks Data Intelligence Platform, or Actian’s Zeenea Data Discovery Platform.
Either way, you’ll get organization-wide, secure, granular access aligned to defined data roles and responsibilities and be able to demonstrate compliance both inside and out.

Talk to us about how we can ensure that the right people and services can access the right data in the right way at the right time.